Agent mode

Step-by-step instructions to setup KuboVisor local agent on your cluster.

Go to your clusters list, click on the « Add » button and select the « Agent » installation type.

Fill the cluster details and click on « Add cluster ».

After your cluster has been added, you will receive some credentials needed for the installation of the agent on your cluster.

If you close this window by mistake or want to install the agent later on, you can always get back your cluster credentials until you complete the agent installation.

The following content assumes that:

  • you have kubectl and helm binaries installed

  • your current context is set to the correct cluster

  • you have enough privileges on your cluster to create resources

Replace YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME, YOUR_CLUSTER_ACCESS_KEY and YOUR_CLUSTER_SECRET_KEY with the values for your cluster.

# Check connection to your cluster
kubectl get nodes

# Add our Helm charts repository
helm repo add kubolabs

# Update local repositories
helm repo update

# Install KuboVisor local agent
helm install kubovisor-agent kubolabs/kubovisor --create-namespace \
  --namespace kubovisor \
  --set agent.permissions=read-only \
  --set \
  --set cluster.accessKey=YOUR_CLUSTER_ACCESS_KEY \
  --set cluster.secretKey=YOUR_CLUSTER_SECRET_KEY

Helm chart values

When data is available, you’ll see colored indicators regarding your cluster's state, health and security. Go ahead, click on them to display the details!

Elements shown in red are issues that should be addressed as soon as possible.

While elements shown in orange are problems that should still be addressed, they don’t threaten your cluster nor your workloads.

Last updated